Ingredients for A Healthy Lifestyle: Turmeric
July 1, 2016 – Bold Apps

Tumeric is a spice that has been used in India and throughout Southeastern Asia for thousands of years. While typically used to improve the taste of certain dishes it has numerous health benefits. This is why I try to include the seasoning whenever I can. Of course, like any other seasoning, it can't be used in every single dish, but if I can sneak it in, I do.
As an anti-inflammatory, tumeric helps reduce pathogens and bad bacteria from infecting the body. I have long-term chronic inflammation history in my family, so I try to do whatever I can to boost my diet, reduce ingredients that may cause problems within my circulatory system while taking anti-inflammatory supplements. With tumeric, I don't need to rely on these supplements as the spice helps perform this task on its own.
Tumeric helps deliver important antioxidants to the blood stream. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, yet with the defensive power of this spice, I can actually neutralize free radicals I take in. Additionally, while helping defeat free radicals the seasoning also boosts the body's ability to produce antioxidant enzymes. Combine this with the anti-inflammatory elements of the spice and it really is a super seasoning that stands out in the world of spices.
The seasoning is more than just something that can reduce free radicals and inflammation. It has a direct connection with the brain as well. An element found in tumeric called curcumin boosts brain functionality and actually helps reduce the risk of brain disease. Because of this, the use of tumeric is often seen as a desirable ingredient for people who may be suffering from early signs of dimentia or Alzheimer's disease. The boost in brain power helps slow and even stop these risks. I know one thing I can always use, espeically early on in the morning, is some boost in brain power. There's a reason I sprinkle just a small amount into my morning oatmeal. I like to mix it in with cinnamon. All of this put together and by the time I get to work I really do feel like a new person.
As I've mentioned earlier, my family has a history of inflammation problems. This is connected with cardiovascular and heart conditions as well. While inflammation is something to look into, heart conditions is something to take action on right away. I want to safeguard my heart for as long as possible, which is exactly why I do what I can to reduce my risk of heart disease. Tumeric has been found to reduce the risk of heart disease by boosting the lining of blood vessels. The increased strength of blood vessels allows blood cells to remain strong while also boosting cell and platelet count. When blood cells have a weak structure it may lead to something known as endothelial dysfunction. This is a substantial component to heart disease because it is difficult for the heart to maintain any kind of desirable pressure, not to mention it reduced clotting capability.
Now, while I have been including tumeric more and more into my diet because of all the health benefits, there is one I just discovered that makes it even more desirable, not just myself but really for anyone else out there. Tumeric has a direct connection with a reduction of new blood vessels within tumors. This helps reduce the spread of cancer and it has also been connected with dying off cancer cells. Without blood flowing into the cancer cells the cells are more or less choked off, resulting in the death of cells. It is important for anyone who may be suffering from cancer to not stop any current medical treatment, but to talk with their doctor about this. After all, every little bit helps, and this might end up being the deciding factor whether the cells die off completely or not.
Using Superfoods To Improve Your Health
Posted: May 22 2015
When suffering from an illness or injury we often turn to Doctor’s to prescribe prescription medications that can be costly or have serious side effects. But if you want to be really healthy, experts suggest that you turn to the foods you eat to improve your health.
Using food as medicine is called nutrigenomics and it’s based on the idea that super-foods will tell your genes how to act, improving their functionality and your health. Experts of nutrigenomics say that all you need to be healthy lies in the specific genes you carry inside of you – and that nutrigenomics will allow you to personalize medicine. Since we all require different amounts of sleep, food, exercise, and vitamins the science of nutrigenomics makes sense and it doesn’t have to be complicated.
First, you’ll want to remove all of the unhealthy substances you consume. While Doctor’s recommend a daily dose of different nutrients for each person, you’ll also want to add daily relaxation, movement (especially exercise) and remove unhealthy stressors as much as possible. Shifting from a nutrient-poor diet to a nutrient-rich diet is as simple as eating the rainbow. This means that you need to eat a broad range of different types of food to get the full benefits of nutrigenomics. Adding healthy fats like olive oils, nuts, and avocados while eating a modest amount of lean animal protein (like chicken and fish) is the best bet for optimal health.
Secondly, make sure that you’re eating as much fresh, unprocessed food as possible – vegetables, fruit, and whole grains should all be a staple of your diet. Because it’s nearly impossible for us to get all the vitamins and minerals we need from food alone, add a multi-vitamin to your daily intake, including a fish oil supplement to regulate blood sugar. Try to purchase food that does not come in a box, can, or bottle but if the food does have a label, it should contain five ingredients or fewer. Avoiding white sugar and flour while steering clear of anything containing high fructose corn syrup is the best bet. If it came from the earth or a field, then it’s probably safe to eat! Remembering these easy tips can simplify your diet while dramatically improving your health.
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