Daily Fitness for the Busy Nurse
July 8, 2016 – Bold Apps

Working as a nurse is extremely rewarding. However, it is also a very demanding job. People put their lives in the hands of doctors and nurses every day at the doctor's office, clinic, hospital and more. Because nurses work at such a demanding job, it isn't always easy to find time to exercise and stay in shape. Thankfully, there are a few things that can be done to help you stay healthy and get in a little bit of exercise along the way.
Make your work commute a workout.
Instead of driving or taking the subway to work, continue walking there instead. This works great for those who are only a few minutes from work. Not only do you get to burn off a few extra calories, but you get to enjoy the fresh air around you as well. Walking will also help improve your health and give you more energy to get through the day, not to mention save you a lot of money on your gas and other expenses.
Set your alarm for a few minutes earlier.
While this might be a little more difficult for those who aren't morning people, it's worth it to be able to cross exercise off your list first thing in the morning. By setting your alarm for just a few minutes earlier than normal, you can get up and start your day off right. You will feel alive and invigorated at the end of your workout session. To make things even simpler for yourself, consider wearing your exercise clothes to bed so you can get up and start exercising right away. Even waking up a few minutes early can make a big difference in your health and well-being.
Workout on your lunch break.
Instead of sitting around and doing nothing on your lunch break, consider making the most of it with a little exercise. Go for a walk for part of your lunch break to help whittle your middle and increase productivity. If you simply sit there and eat lunch, you will find yourself becoming more and more sluggish. Exercising on your lunch hour can help keep you going and give you the fuel you need to make it through the day.
Multitask to make the most of your exercise session.
Even 10 minutes of exercise can make a major difference in your life. If all you have is 10 minutes to hop on the treadmill, make the most of it. Grab some dumbbells and do a few bicep curls, side laterals, shoulder presses or tricep kickbacks to help tone your upper body while boosting your heart rate. Doing this a few times each week will make a difference in your health and boost body strength.
Maximize your time in line.
Instead of just standing in the lunch line or store line, turn your time in line into a workout. Do a few squats, toe raises or lunges while you wait your turn in line. Sure, people might look at you a little weird in the beginning, but it is worth it to improve your health and keep your body trimmed and toned.
While these are only a few of the ways to fit exercise into your busy schedule, there are plenty of other opportunities out there as well. The key is taking advantage of every opportunity you have to trim and tone your body in any way you can.
For additional tips & Workouts, check out the video below:
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