Get Ready For School: Tips on How to Succeed in the Medical Program

August 12, 2016 – Bold Apps

Get-Ready-For-School-Tips-on-How-to-Succeed-in-the-Medical-Program Fiumara Medical
Get-Ready-For-School-Tips-on-How-to-Succeed-in-the-Medical-Program Fiumara Medical

Making the decision to enter medical school is one that shouldn't be taken lightly. There is a lot of hard work and dedication that goes in to getting your degree and being able to work in the medical field. Oftentimes, medical students overlook just how much work goes into this degree. The sheer amount of information in each and every class is astronomical. You will be flooded with information at every turn. To help make sure you make it through medical school, here are a few things that you need to understand.

Support networks are crucial.

Many students end up delving head first into their studies and often ignore everything around them. They figure that they don't have time for anything else beyond their studies. While it might be important to study and prepare for an upcoming test, you also have to make sure you don't shut yourself off from the world. Isolating yourself is one of the worst things you can do. Build a solid support network around you. Remain connected to your friends and family members who are outside of the school.

Working isn't really an option.

While you might not want to think about having to repay thousands in student loans at the end of your college education, it is far better than trying to get a job during your first year of med school. You need to devote as much time to your studies as possible. In fact, many students end up putting about 40-60 hours of time in med school. Trying to work at a job for another 20 hours and still maintain good grades isn't going to happen. You will end up falling behind and struggling to be able to get back to where you need to be.

Your parents aren't always right.

Students that have a parent who works in the medical field often head into school with certain expectations of what things are going to be like. Things aren't the same as they were 20 or 30 years ago, which means you cannot expect to have an experience even remotely similar to that of your parents. It isn't about just being able to memorize a bunch of information. It all boils down to what you are going to do.

Practice areas aren't a necessity early on.

Even though you don't have any experience whatsoever and are only in your first year of medical school, you can expect people to ask you what type of doctor you want to be. The best thing you can do is refrain from answering that question. Take your time and wait to figure things out. You shouldn't make a final decision in terms of practice area until you are toward the end of you studies. You want to make sure you are choosing a practice area because you like it and not because you are being forced into it.

While medical school might take a long time and require a lot of hard work, it will all be worth it in the end.



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